Published inTowards DevEnable SMTP in Grafana using Helm Charts in Kubernetes cluster(EKS)Helm charts of most of the well-known opensource projects are kind of overwhelming at first glance. But they are made so that we can…Aug 5, 202211Aug 5, 202211
Published inTowards DevDistributed Timer using Golang And ActiveMQIn the times of microservices and distributed systems, we have a lot of complex architecture and robust solutions for most of the problems…Aug 2, 20222Aug 2, 20222
Published inTowards DevRabbitMQ Priority Queues with Golang Producer and Consumer.In this article, we will walk through implementing the RabbitMQ priority queue. We will be using Golang for building our consumers and…May 22, 202232May 22, 202232
Published inTowards DevJSON Vs Protobuf — Which is the best way to store data in the cache (Redis).In this article, we will be evaluating which is the better format for storing complex data in a cache(Redis).Mar 1, 2022331Mar 1, 2022331
Published inTowards DevgRPC Request Routing (Header Based) AWS ALBIn this tutorial, we will walk through how to set up HeaderBased request routing in AWS Application load balancer for gRPC based services…Feb 9, 20228Feb 9, 20228
Published inTowards DevKafka (AWS MSK) with GolangIn this tutorial, we will take a dive into creating consumer and producer applications in Golang using kafka-go with AWS MSK cluster.Jan 28, 20226Jan 28, 20226
[Fixed] X509: Certificate Signed by Unknown Authority( Running a docker application on an AWS Ec2…Recently while working with docker on AWS Ec2, I have faced the issue of X509: Certificate Signed by Unknown AuthorityDec 27, 2021Dec 27, 2021
Freeswitch Configurations FilesPreviously we have successfully installed the Freeswitch. In this blog/tutorial we will learn about Freeswitch configurations, the conf…Sep 2, 20212Sep 2, 20212
Installing Freeswitch on ubuntu.In this blog/tutorial we will learn how to install Freeswitch on an Ubuntu virtual machine. The steps for Freeswitch installation will be…Aug 22, 2021Aug 22, 2021
What is Freeswitch?If you are working in VOIP / Telecom domain you might have heard and worked on software likes Asterisk, Opensips, Kamailio, etc. All these…Aug 21, 2021111Aug 21, 2021111
Freeswitch-101This is a series of blogs/tutorials that are created with the sole purpose of sharing my knowledge of Freeswitch.Aug 21, 2021Aug 21, 2021
Published inTowards DevThe fastest way to manipulate string GoLangEvery application uses string data type whether it is written in Go, NodeJS, or any other language. Almost every language provides multiple…Aug 20, 2021Aug 20, 2021
Runtime Debugging in GoLangGo (also known as Golang or Go language) is the language developed by Google. Go is an open-source, statically-typed compiled, and…Jan 12, 2021Jan 12, 2021
Getting started with gRPC and NodeJSToday we are gonna create a simple login service is using gRPC, NodeJS, and Express.Sep 10, 2020Sep 10, 2020
AWS Batch using GoLangRecently, I got a use case where I need to submit jobs to AWS Batch in Golang. GoLang is a popular language for the development of high…Apr 7, 2020Apr 7, 2020