Freeswitch Configurations Files
Previously we have successfully installed the Freeswitch. In this blog/tutorial we will learn about Freeswitch configurations, the conf directory structure, and the meaning of different files.

Freeswitch stores all its configuration in the conf folder (/usr/local/freeswitch/conf)
All the Freeswitch XML files for configuration. By, default Freeswitch installs the vanilla configuration for all the modules with minimal settings enable and a lot of comments about each variable.
Let's have a look at the directory structure of the conf folder
├── autoload_configs # config which loads at startup (core configs)
├── chatplan # chatplan for different extensions
├── dialplan # dialplan for different extensions
├── directory # sip extension user config with grouping
├── ivr_menus # ivr menu config directory
├── jingle_profiles # jingle configuration (XMPP integration)
├── lang # language configs for tts and sound files
├── mrcp_profiles # unimrcp config dirrectory
├── sip_profiles # sofia sip profile configurations
└── skinny_profiles # SCCP config dirrectory
Conf folder also contains some config files lets talk about them before diving into the config folders.
List of files in the config directory:
├── extensions.conf
├── freeswitch.xml
├── fur_elise.ttml
├── mime.types
├── notify-voicemail.tpl
├── tetris.ttml
├── vars.xml
├── voicemail.tpl
└── web-vm.tpl
- freeswitch.xml: Main configuration file for Freeswitch, on startup Freeswitch, read this file and load the corresponding config specified in it.
- vars.xml: This file contains all the variables and constants which are used in the other config files. You can define custom variables here and consume them.
- mime.types: Contains mime-types which are used in Freeswitch.
- fur_elise.ttml, tetris.ttml: Contains sequences of tones used by Freeswitch.
- notify-voicemail.tpl, voicemail.tpl: Template for voicemail emails.
- extensions.conf: Same config as used in asterisk for the extensions. This is used by mod_dialplan_asterisk
- web-vm.tpl: HTML template to show voicemail on web page.